JRM Bonneville Land Speed Record Bike
Well we are back from Bonneville. What a week! As you may already know we ran 144.2 mph. This is not bad but the record still stands at 145.2 mph…..one mph short, what a bummer. But what a great week, Billy and I learned so much. Going to Bonneville is like no other experience you will ever have, it’s unreal. You get up everyday at 5:00 am and get done a 6:00 pm. Being on the salt all day is about as hard a days work you will ever have. One of the coolest things about working there is meeting all the people. Everyone from the fellow competitors to the AMA staff was great and made Billy and I feel very welcome. Making new friends and seeing old ones turned it into a bitchin week and one to look forward to for next year. I highly recommend going to Bonneville if you get the chance. It’s worth it to check it out once in your life. You’ll dig it.
Also this would not be possible without Dennis Manning and his staff at BUB for putting on such a great race. All the volunteers and the AMA folks, great job and thank you. And for Billy and me one big thanks to our sponsors, who without them we would be lost and would have never gotten as close to our goal as we did. My wife Diane Rawson, without her it just wouldn’t happen. Come on she put up with Billy and me for week on the road, what a trooper.
I would like to personally thank: Bill Cody Racing, JRM Motorcycles, Torco Oils, K&N, Alumin-Art, Spider Grips, Saddlemen Seats, Kiwi covers, Joe Hughes International, Richard Gore, Steve Wells, Joker Machine, and the best rider one could be associated with Billy “The Bullet” Hamill.